Sunday 18 October 2015

Research - Artist no.3: Nicolaes Berchem

Hunters Resting

Nicolas Pieterszoon Berchem, or Nicolaes Berhcem is a Dutch artist who specializes in biblical and mythological scenes in his landscape paintings. Also, it is important that his father, Pieter Claesz taught Nicolaes the essentials and foundation of painting and later on, he was taught from another painter, who was specialised in landscape, Jan van Goyen. Later on, he traveled down to Italy, probably to boost his ability to paint and to become a renowned artist. After his journey, his has risen among the Italianists. Despite the fact that it is important to know the information about where he trained or who was he taught from might be important, but more importantly, it's to know where were his inspirations came from and which specific techniques he used is rather more crucial to me at this stage. What can I learn from him? What style did he use?
 When he traveled down to Italy, something must have happened. His colour palette and learning new techniques from down south must be one of the reason his paintings have gotten better, so what really happened?

Understanding the value of colour and knowing how much to use it in certain places and the composition of the environment and protagonists are key points to learn from this artist.

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