Thursday 15 October 2015


After a short discussion with Lynn later afternoon, it was time to re-think on my idea:

'where am I going with this?'
'What am I trying to achieve?'
'Why am I doing this?'

  • What I admire in this work
  • What I think they do very well:
  • and use these to help myself how I can narrow my research down
  • What about the master that do you want to use to make my painting better.
  • Am I interested how they use line, atmosphere, retailing, what is it about well 
  • Make it more specific.
  • You can get that efficiency - not having to look at everything.
  • Books about the masters - conclusions about their practice
  • Academic papers - traditional media and digital form - how's there been a lot of works been in this area and how people have made these kind of conclusions and my hypothesis is that I might be able to improve in certain section.
  • Pick 2 or 3 artists from specific period who really inspire me, whose work I admire, learn a little bit, what they were trying to achieve:
  • Is there an artists who are obsessed at light, form, colour etc
  • Try to find out what motivated them, what they were interested, what they were exploring in different periods of their career - make it narrow my research area.
  • I can learn more about them, what they did and explored, taking those explorations and using them as experiments in my own work.
  • Learn about the artists that I choose for my field of research - is there anything that's particularly interesting or helpful, if so continue.
  • What kind of observations and  they did, things they used to help to inspire their process then design yourself experiments along those lines.
  • Take their processes and try to apply them digitally.
  • Then because I will be making these experiments, inspiring to the things that I'm reading - chain reaction (cycling around) so more that I make, eventually the more I will learn (this technique works, this one doesn't so why doesn't it work, how can I improve it, and this will point me to read more about this topic and other works.
  • At the same time, research other digital artists and pipelines and how those digital artists develop their work, learn about their techniques.
'What is it that makes the environment so important in any forms of art?'

Also, I've become a magpie?! (picking up different visual styles, techniques, understanding the differences between traditional & digital media)
  • Eventually, I will be drawing from both side of art topic
  • What I'm trying to do is to bring those two roads together to find the best of both roads because... so that because is what I'm trying to achieve when I narrow that through - connecting up the dots.
  • Experimenting on design, inspired by both sides
  • What I want out of this!
  • Learn these traditional & digital foundations and let's try to find the parallels and stitch it together.
  • What is it that I'm trying to achieve by doing this and why.

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