Monday 5 October 2015

Research: Video Game no.1

     (Spectacular composition with simple colour choices)

I have played this game with up most interest and it hasn't let me down a single bit. The grand landscape was spectacularly well-done that this game eventually became one of my inspiration. The game explains the story of a living being, trying to find out the identity of its' history and searching for it in each location. There are several different maps and every one of them has its' unique style and atmosphere.

(personal ideas/thoughts of this game)

In this desert area, they have composed the environment well with the colour scheme of their choices, which is colours similar to earth (brown, yellow, dark brown/yellow etc). 

This game has shown me the better usage of colour in each different theme and even though it amount of colour to use in each area may be few, but it has indicated that if the artist utilize it well enough, the outcome will surely be a grand piece. With this idea, I will be practice this part of learning on my own painting and see the differences with & without the proper use of colour.

     Journey - Developer: Thatgamecompany
                 - Genres: Adventure, Art
                 - Release: 2012


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