Thursday 1 October 2015

Digital collage and painting: Concept

Digital Collage and Painting: Using Photoshop and Painter to create Fine Art is a book containing information about how to paint and incorporate various usages of materials, such as oil/acrylic painting and collage into personal photographs. Also, this book discusses at length the large variety of methods that can be used by you, the visual artist, to create fine art. This very sentence is very similar to what I have in mind, which is how digital art work can be combined with conventional practices used by traditional artists. However, this book in general, the contents it hold is very old, so old that it will not help me in any way to prove this idea of mine, thus this book was not useful, except explaining some parts of technical skills in fine art.


Bloom, Susan Ruddick. Digital Collage And Painting. Oxford: Focal, 2010. Print.

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