Monday 12 October 2015

Experimental piece no.1: 'War'

Second practice piece: "War"

[First attempt with blue theme]

[Second Attempt with yellow/grey theme]

 Using different background colours to match the environment and the atmosphere of the situation. Personally, I still prefer blue colour for this piece since the location resonates ominous feels and the meaning of blue has two sides, calm & sadness. Since unidentified ship is docking and brings terror on future.
 Yellow/grey theme colour for this painting somewhat also works in its own way. Few modifications has been made since previous version, such as extra textures on stones, a figure to create more perspective views and broaden out the focus point for the viewers.

The purpose of this project was to understanding of usage of value and intensity of  colour. Fun fact is that since the painting is done digitally, there were so many options to choose and able to modify at any time or circumstances. This huge advantage using Photoshop may seem ridiculously effective since the painter can decide when to combine the formal elements in the painting, despite the fact that it goes against the traditional way of painting, where you have to design and think how the piece will turn out and which element will have dynamic impact on the painting. 

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