Monday 5 October 2015

Jackson Pollock, usage of 'Line'

Jackson Pollock, one of the most famously known abstract artist, has created many awe inspiring pieces of work and as a personal opinion, most of his work are related with the use of formal elements.

  • (No.29, Jackson Pollock)
  • No.29, which this work has been labeled as action painting, has been created using floor as a canvas and walked around on top of the painting. He statement was that

    "On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting." 

    Personally, the way he paints and 'feel more at ease' explains the perspective and composition of the painting will drastically change, as if the artist have found new ways to paint and experiment on, as the eye adjust to the canvas with huge potential. Also, the process of this piece is following first one line, then another and continues on, which uses one of the formal element, 'Line' and utilizing it up to the maximum point including his way of thinking/painting.
There are other ways to use Line and Jackson Pollock have found himself one. I'm sure I will be able to find and enhance that particular technique and apply it to my personal work.


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