Saturday 3 October 2015

Semester 1

After the first lecture, 'fear' & 'excitement' would be the correct term to describe this moment and it also reminded me again how serious this last year is going to be.

Honours Project

These three are main objectives throughout the entire length of year to achieve, even though this seems to be one hell of a challenge to face, but it's also a good challenge for an artist since it will enhance their personal knowledge and technical abilities. After having an idea that wouldn't go away, which is "The exploration of how digital art can be combined with conventional practices used by traditional artists to enhance my work"
which I thought it was a decent idea to improve and research on, but what I really need to do at this point is broaden out the sections which I haven't really considered and research these specific forms and aspects of it.

During lecture with Lynn, all of us were branching out our ideas using Mind map, despite the fact that I wasn't still sure of the idea I had.

(Mind map during lecture)

 Since I was still confused of what I really wanted to do and to show it for, talking to tutor or other student was necessary. After a short discussion with Ryan, he thought the first idea I had was rather simple, that the answer of this was going to be 'yes'. However, the huge temptation of wanting to do painting for a project was surprisingly tenacious.

List of priorities:
  • Wanting to do digital painting as a final production - so whatever happens at the end of this year, I want to have digital paintings.
  • Digital Painting Project - it's allowing myself a space within that topic, as a research topic, to perform these pieces as test or experiences, such as;         
            -Blending lessons from the old masters (painters)?

            -Research what renaissance and master artists did and how those techniques                apply to digital painting world?

            -How they can teach us to become a better digital painters.

Research, Research, Research

Later on at the meeting with Ryan, I think I've found myself another idea (and hopefully a better one than the first) to begin with, and for this topic, the study of formal elements and what are those formal elements seems to be the biggest object to research on.

 "How can those master painters able to use these formal elements to improve modern digital painting?"

  • Such as composition, line, shape, colour etc
  • Can that help improve your painting?
Research ideas:
  • Going and looking for compositions.
  • What types of compositions are out there?
  • How can they be used in painting?
  • What compositions exist out there?
  • What did you do in response to that?
  • How does that work with colours?
  • Have you apply these to any paintings?

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