Friday 16 October 2015

Research - Artist no.2: Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian

- A Dutch artist who focuses on abstract genre. The reason why I specifically picked out this artist is to understand his simplified abstract style, Neo-Platicism and how I can use this technique on my project. 

 I have struggled with contemporary, abstract art, where it uses bare minimum amount of colour, line and sometimes, there is no texture or even tone to create depth to the painting. Even though it requires not a lot of other elements of art, this specific side of neo-plasticism, where the artist restrict themselves to the three primary colours and to a grid of black vertical and horizontal lines on a white ground.

This gave me an idea how I could combine this neo-plasticism, choosing 3 specific colour, limiting the amount colours to use which could be sensational, a combination of abstract art and digital art.

           Composition B (No.II) with Red                                  No.VI/Composition No.II
Formal elements of art - Shape

 Shape is simply an area that enclosed by a line and there are two different types of shape, geometric and irregular. The usage of shape will definitely shave a positive outcome of the project. Simple shapes such as triangle, rectangle and circle can be used and will be able to contain numerous meaning, especially to those who concentrate on abstract art, for example, an artist Piet Mondrian with his usage of line and by the usage of line, it creates squares within these line.

 Fascinating part of shape is that, for concept artists who design and create specific designs, understanding each of these shape and able to apply is a vital subject to learn.

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