Tuesday 20 October 2015

Research: Video Game no.2

'The Last of Us'

Why this specific choice of game? Surprisingly, it has all of the environment locations and in different time line which is exactly what I wanted to do for my practical experiments. From here on out, I will be discussing and analyzing of these concept paintings what part of the form it uses the most and how well does the artist utilize this form in the painting.

  • Heavy usage of colour green
  • Dominates the entire painting with colour green
  • Sensational perspective view: it reminds me of the painting of 'The Last Judgement', where the main focus point and every other elements of the painting gathers to the character.

Compare to the first painting anaylsis, firstly, this painting has a different perspective view. Visually, it seems it has 3 perspective sides (top left corner, bottom right corner & the character). This dynamic view provides the 3 dimensional aspect and applying the flashlight in the middle of the painting brings out this effect even further. 
Also, by looking at the main colour palette, heavy usage of blue certainly changes the atmosphere of the painting.

  • One of the prime example of the hybrid environment painting: mixture of urban and rural setting. 
  • Personal opinion: Maybe inserting mountain in the background while it's surrounded in urban area is rather unique, almost it doesn't really match with each other. For my own taste, it does not suit well in this particular painting.
  • Typical urban environment square buildings (except the church).
  • It may not be the most important aspect of this painting, character's vision field - focused on giraffes (not zebras).
  • As for the colour: as usual, the main colour choice for rural environment was green & blue.

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