Friday 4 March 2016

Visual Narrative

Visual Narrative

So... what is the term 'Visual Narrative' and where does this term used as a natural form or in artistic term?

 Visual Narrative is basically a term which can be used in everyday's social life and can be told by its visual form. This topic has not been recognised in most of the artistic research area and that's why I'm so concerned and also excited to talk and explicit how crucial this issue can be.

 Underneath, there are couple of images in a sequential way and because of this consecutive way of drawing/painting, audiences can get the general idea of the story and able to understand what this story is trying to convey it to audiences.

Mean dog serves its punishment

Story of two life

 For me to use this term in my project, its crucial fact is to understand how images can transfer its meaning to the audiences by mere images.

Links for images above:


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