Monday 28 March 2016

Other lists for potential case study material 2

Other potential area would be film industries, where everything and variety of genre can be explored.

Lord of the Rings Franchise

1. Lord of the Rings Franchise

2. Key object which requires for the story to continue, the ring.

3. Concept art for the environment setting

Most of people have seen this movie (a cult classic in Fantasy genre, written by J.R.R.Tolkien) have been inspired by it and has produced several other animations, films or video games in similar genre. 
In one of the interview about the movie, The Lord of the Rings,  an interviewer has asked: 'What is magical realism? How is it different than fantasy?'
 - In magical realism the world appears much like our own, but also includes an element of the extraordinary. In Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis,” Gregor Samsa awakes one morning to find he has turned into a giant insect. ..... In The Fragrance of Guava, Garcia Marquez argues that strictly realistic literature can be “too static and exclusive a vision of reality.” Though it stretches the bounds of reality, magical realism acknowledges that magic is inherent in our day-to-day life.

 Fantasy is very different. While magical realism situates readers in a predominantly realistic world, fantasy takes place in an unreal world with unreal characters. J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a popular example of fantasy. The trilogy’s characters include Hobbits, who are little people with big feet, as well as Elves, Dwarves, Fairies, Ents, and Wizards. It also features a ring that bestows power but corrupts those who possess it. Fantasy creates different places and species, ones that exist outside of our world. While magical realism stays grounded in our own reality, fantasy breaks free of it.

 It is possible for us to believe that there is a magic which therefore the magic is 'inherent in our day to day life.' Despite the fact that The Lord of the Ring trilogy has its potential, personally, I thought the use of video game which the involvement of characters and the surrounding can be depicted much better compare to films.


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