Monday 7 March 2016



Mise en scene is basically a term from France: 'Place on Stage', where the arrangement of individual materials are in its place, for example, lighting, props, characters etc. Personally, Mise-en-scene is one of the great asset which will improve the use of elements in my painting and enhance the believability of realistic view in each paintings.


Casablanca, one of the notorious film in 1940s which used black & white filter and because of this setting, they have harmonised the use of low-key setting in each environment.

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta uses various colour palette but because of the character's position and the costume, the action he is doing in this specific scene causes audiences to focus in this particular scene. Also, it used a right amount of lighting in this setting which created shadows in each corner of this scene.

The Pianist

In this particular scene in The Pianist is mostly due to character's motion. The sadness its pouring out from the character can be enhanced by tears from the protagonist and the surroundings and its props (no ones around but there are a lot of objects surrounding him, suggesting certain disastrous event has occurred and ultimately made the protagonist to be unhappy).

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