Wednesday 30 March 2016

Struggle and improvement of the Project


1. One of the struggling fact was how I can convey the story from these moving paintings. It's surprisingly difficult for realism painting which later on will be changed to moving painting and tell the story to audiences. How is this possible and how can I achieve this by using which elements?

2. The use of After Effects - its my first time using this software and need to get use to it as soon as possible.
 I'm rather fluent at using Photoshop, Illustrator and Zbrush but using After Effects is a different case.

3. The timing of the animation: How long does it need to be and which scenes of painting needs to be in the order? It's easy to put intro and outro but the rest needs to be in certain order to be able to convey the story flawlessly.


1. The use of criteria in the project is going rather in the progress (as it should be).

2. Paintings are nearly done and only parts that needs to be done now is more research on how to make these paintings into an animation by using After Effects.

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