Friday 18 March 2016

Feedback from the presentation 1 - Semester 2

Presentation Feedback

1. Visual presentation was rather in good position in my opinion and surprisingly not a lot of opinion has been said. Personally, I did not like this since I do like criticism which can be used to improve the project and the outcome in the end. I knew there were something off about the 'moving painting' since it seemed bit rigid but at the moment, it will run smoothly with further progress.

2. Another factor which I haven't noticed was the file size. I knew instantly that it would be ridiculously big to play and create unnecessary buffering and cause lagging in 10 second video. This didn't happen in my personal computer but I should have realised that it can be affected in different computers due to different specs it have. Therefore, I need to compress the file and make it into a smaller size.

3. One of the question which I've heard and couldn't answer was: 'What is this trying to tell?' or 'How this can be shown with what element?' At that moment, I couldn't really reply back to it unfortunately due to lack of knowledge and deeper understanding of my own research. I realise now that it is the combination of different criteria in literature reviews I have read and written, for example, this project is to convey the visual narrative within the boundaries of the (moving) painting by the use of different elements, such as mise-en-scene, semiotic/sign communication, elements of art, realism (art movement).

From these feedback, hopefully I will be able to improve the project and progress without difficulties.

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