Friday 19 February 2016


Before start painting, the artist needs to know where the painting will start from, and that, without a doubt applies to me as well. Therefore, getting these thumbnails finished is the main priority, in my opinion.

Thumbnail 1 

These thumbnails were done as quickly as possible to just get the feeling of how the painting might turn out to be. It took around 10-15 minutes per drawing and surprisingly, the result wasn't so bad.

Thumbnail 2 

Close up of one of the drawing in thumbnail 1.

Thumbnail 3 

Same thing applies to the thumbnail 3 (one of the drawing from thumbnail 1).

Thumbnail 4 

 Thumbnail 5

Thumbnail 5 is probably the one which i'm going to use it for the project. It has its flow and movement of the journey.

Thumbnail 6

Thumbnail 7

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