Friday 5 February 2016

Still & Movement

Still & Movement

Still images can be simple and detailed in that moment. It won't move and the object that you draw or paint will stay just as you would want it to. However, because there is no such thing as a movement, when audience engage something else than life drawing or still painting (which audience can instantly realise what the object is trying to tell), such as abstract or avant-garde painting, it will be incredibly hard for them to understand what the artist is trying to portray.

Life Drawing

Still painting


Walk cycle is an example of a movement, an illusion of a movement. Since you know how humans walk and by putting them in separate pictures, you will instantly realise that the character will move in this direction and in this particular pose even though its just a series of image putted in together. However, compare to still painting or life drawing, it certainly gives the feeling of movement. This is what I need from my project, the feeling of the movement and how it will look different compare to the still image and even these walk-cycle image.

Walk cycle of a character

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