Wednesday 3 February 2016

Schedule for project, dissertation & other priorities

  • First priority: Project - This will take significant amount of time and the progression will take from start of the 2nd semester until whenever it ends, which I assume it will be around in mid - late April (before the submission). For the project wise, it is necessary to obtain necessary advice from chosen supervisor to enhance the quality of the project.
  • Second priority: Dissertation - This will also be another important factor during the 2nd semester and will need to pay considerable amount of time to produce a exceptional writing at the end of the stage. This process will take whole 2nd semester and will need advises from supervisors.
  • Third priority: Blog - Blogging will occur every once in a while but certainly few posts in weekly basis to write down the progression of the project and dissertation.
  • Fourth priority: Presentation - This will happen two time, once during March and another one around end of April or start of May. There are still extensive amount of time but still need to be careful and pay attention to it (if not, I will be careless and forget about it until the 2 or 1 day before and rush through everything)
  • Fifth priority: Exhibition - This is the last stage of concern and still have enough time but shouldn't be left carelessly and follow the procedure according to the schedule which I have set up.
With this general schedule for the 2nd semester and follow the schedule accordingly, hopefully i will be in position with no concerns.

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