Thursday 11 February 2016


Naturalism Art

Naturalism, to simply speak, is an artistic movement in 18th century to depict the realistic subjects in its natural settings. It literally portrays the environment and character in that position and the weather. Since the naturalism is trying to depict the natural way of people's living, it cannot lie or add some other features to make the painting grand, even to the use of elements of art. Some may exaggerate the amount of light and tonal work to provide better understanding of what is going on in that particular situation but this style of painting will literally depict what the painter sees and feels. Jules Bastien and Jean-Francois Millet are good example for naturalism painters and they certainly have conveyed the meaning of naturalism within the painting. As a personal opinion, it feels like 19th century's camera work but done in oil painting.

Jules Bastien Lepage - Haymaking

Jean-Francois Millet - The Angelus

Jean-Francois Millet - The Gleaners

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