Tuesday 23 February 2016

Project no.2: Getting started and visual researching

Project no.2: Melancholy

This project has its ups and downs and the sudden change of environment from project 1 has certainly taken its turn. In project no.1 it was rather large scaled painting with bunch of ideas combined, such as a mountain with waterfall combination and castle underneath. Also, the protagonist will look over this view from a cliff from the other side.

 However, in no.2, Melancholy will be rather different. The scene will take its place in snowy mountain with nothing but cold and tough environment. The protagonist will suffer due to its surroundings and the first challenge he will need to go through.

Mentioned earlier, the setting will take its place in a snowy mountain with an enormous crack in the middle of the path, signalling the immediate danger. These images underneath will guide me to plan out what the scene would look like with its realistic view from photographs.



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