Tuesday 23 February 2016

Project no.1: progression 2


Excluding the introductory painting to show the beginning of the journey, the first scene of the painting illustrates the replication of a mountainous setting. The environmental design of the first painting, ‘Tranquillity’, reflects its function through its choice of colour, composition of the environment and other elements. 

The vibrant use of light colours in this setting brightens up the mood of the view for audiences and to match its realistic view, different tonal work will be necessary to give better contrast. The most important detail was the composition since the scale of the painting was large and rather hard to put the character in its place.

Next step is how to turn this painting into a moving painting, or so called an animation. Also, it is just not moving each layers around but it would give more realistic feeling if there is water falling down from the waterfall. By using these features would provide better realistic feeling and characters will feel more natural in its surroundings.

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