Saturday 27 February 2016

Project no.3: progression 2


 Third painting, named ‘Serenity’ has its resemblance to the Chinese Tianzi Mountain, with its particular lengthy and slim shapes. The environment concept for this painting may be similar to the first painting, 

‘Tranquillity’ except the fact that the location is different. The scene, however, of these two paintings may differ but share a similar atmosphere. The colour scheme and the composition of the painting enhances the story; its calm nature. The character’s position and the concept for this specific environment, including heavy usage of smoke provides serene moment. As the composition of this painting draws audiences focal point towards to the centre, not the character itself even though the appearance of the character is vital.

Detailed painting certainly provides better understanding of the situation in the setting and how the character shows its feeling by its posture and even by the gaze towards to the river, symbolising the peaceful rest. This animation in my opinion should be similar to the first painting, Tranquility and put some animations in the river, providing realistic view. Also, the composition of the painting is in its place with two sliding hills going towards to the middle section where the river is, making audiences' focal point goes to the middle section, the river.

Friday 26 February 2016

Project no.3: progression 1

This time, project no.3 takes in different place and uses much warmer colour compare to the previous place. Also, I've enhanced the detail in each area to be more like matte painting compare to no.1 painting.


Right side
 Left Side

Final painting (with no character and smoke) 

 Final Painting (with character and smoke)

Project no.5. The final piece and visual research

Project no.5: Arrival

The last stop will be no.5, Arrival. The title already provides the meaning: the end of the journey and where protagonist will return home from his brutal, yet meaningful journey which indicates the experience the protagonist have learned. The element for this painting will be rather similar to the no.1 painting, Tranquility since the main character is coming back home and the setting must be similar to the environment from no.1 painting. However, it cannot be exact replica which means to use similar elements of art but the design of the painting needs to be different.

 Seashore with a protagonist coming back home with a boat seems to be the right choice (to match its colour from no.1 and it will be in different setting).

 Images below are from concept paintings and photographs and will be used as a reference to enhance the outcome of the no.5 painting. Seashore/cliff will be the main setting with boat image to learn its shapes and design (which will later be used in the painting with my own design). Also, the boat needs to be either row boat or a yacht, not ridiculously big boat or a ship.



Thursday 25 February 2016

Project no.2: progression 2


  ‘Melancholy’; the second painting was set similar to a place with barren atmosphere and less living objects, an Antarctica. The contrast between the first and second setting was to demonstrate the fact that the journey could become harsh depending on the environment the character was situated. 

 This ruthless environment is the first challenge for the protagonist and overcoming this harshness would be the key to continue his journey. To match the realistic view of northern region, the use of blue, white and black colours were inevitable to match its realistic view. This painting has significantly more detailed parts compare to the first painting which had its successful moment due to the fact that applying detail certainly gives more realistic view compare to mixture of realism and traditional way of painting. The position of the character and his gesture, looking over the mountain in snowy atmosphere provides the challenging moment of the protagonist. 

 Each paintings, as I have mentioned before, needs to be turned into an animation and this one will need something more than movement of each layer. I think a snowfall in this season and area will certain provide more harsh environmental vibe and its realistic feeling.

Project no.4. Desert and visual reserach

Project no.4 Desolation

 After the rest the protagonist had in no.3, Serenity, he continued on and moved onto another challenging area, cave in the desert. It might be rather ridiculous how these settings have changed drastically but the dynamic scenes this environment provides something more than just peaceful feeling.

 These images below will be used as a references which will guide and provide support as a improvement for the project/painting.



 Why specifically a cave? As a painter who enjoys environment painting, use of tone/light and contrast which comes from light certainly provides better perspective view within the painting and able to come up with better composition. Colour will be significantly easier to choose and the artist will solely focus on the detail of the painting and the composition as well.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Project no.2: progression 1

Same steps will be applied in this painting as well (since the first painting, Tranquility, took this line of work and procedures).



 Right Foreground 1
 Left Foreground

Right Foreground 2

Project No.3: Beginning and visual researching

Project no.3: Serenity

Continuation from the project no.2 and it's certainly different compare to no.1 and no.2 painting. The journey has taken its place somewhere around in Asia and because of these calm and peaceful feeling coming out from the environment where the protagonist can rest from his brutal journey in previous area, I've chosen a name, Serenity. To provide the similar feeling of Asian area, and for environment painting, long and thin Chinese mountain, such as Tianzi would suit nicely. It will not be just a replication of Chinese mountainous area but a collaboration of different parts of Asia (most references will take in China since it is one of the only place with long and thin mountains).

Chinese/Tianzi Mountain


 Since the setting for this project will be similar to Chinese environment, might as well go all out and have its environmental feeling what China is really like, thus even the river needs to be chosen in Chinese locations and use these images as reference for future progress in the project.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Project no.1: progression 2


Excluding the introductory painting to show the beginning of the journey, the first scene of the painting illustrates the replication of a mountainous setting. The environmental design of the first painting, ‘Tranquillity’, reflects its function through its choice of colour, composition of the environment and other elements. 

The vibrant use of light colours in this setting brightens up the mood of the view for audiences and to match its realistic view, different tonal work will be necessary to give better contrast. The most important detail was the composition since the scale of the painting was large and rather hard to put the character in its place.

Next step is how to turn this painting into a moving painting, or so called an animation. Also, it is just not moving each layers around but it would give more realistic feeling if there is water falling down from the waterfall. By using these features would provide better realistic feeling and characters will feel more natural in its surroundings.

Project no.2: Getting started and visual researching

Project no.2: Melancholy

This project has its ups and downs and the sudden change of environment from project 1 has certainly taken its turn. In project no.1 it was rather large scaled painting with bunch of ideas combined, such as a mountain with waterfall combination and castle underneath. Also, the protagonist will look over this view from a cliff from the other side.

 However, in no.2, Melancholy will be rather different. The scene will take its place in snowy mountain with nothing but cold and tough environment. The protagonist will suffer due to its surroundings and the first challenge he will need to go through.

Mentioned earlier, the setting will take its place in a snowy mountain with an enormous crack in the middle of the path, signalling the immediate danger. These images underneath will guide me to plan out what the scene would look like with its realistic view from photographs.

