Tuesday 26 January 2016

Research - Digital Artist no.3: Simon Stálenhag

Simon Stalenhag

 Simon is a Swedish concept designer/artist is known for his rare style of painting: ‘highly imaginative images and stories portraying illusive sci-fi phenomena in mundane, hyper-realistic Scandinavian landscapes,’ (http://www.salomonssonagency.se/simon-stalenhag)

 His paintings are clear to understand and able to grasp the situation just by looking at the painting. Also, the combination of robotic sci-fi genre and human relation works surprisingly well. Moreover, the most important case from his paintings is the continuous painting portrays the story within the painting. What I want from him is to understand his style and able to utilize it in my own project.

 One of the part I love and inspired about his painting is that the character depict emotions very well, exactly what I want.

 In order to understand Simon’s painting, analysing one of his painting to get to know fully understand how he can pertain the story within the painting.

 First thing I have noticed was the affection between two human being, male and female. Just by the action they taking in a specific place makes people to think why they are doing this kind of action in this particular set and why they are doing this.

 Compare to other concept artists whom I have conducted, this distinctive artist uses various colours, such as mixture of complementary & analogous colour but using numerous colours does works for this artist because of his unique painting style. His brush strokes are rather clear and simple for others to see.
 Because of this cleanness of the painting, they can figure out the painting much better. I’m very fond of this complicated style, the combination of pertaining human emotion, delicate environment setting and various colour use.

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