Sunday 24 January 2016

Research - Digital Artist no.1: Noah Bradley

"I didn't want to become an artist, I wanted to make video games...... I made art, but only as a hobby."

Noah Bradley

'Our grasp of heaven'

He is one of the well known concept artist, particularly known for his use of colour, value and composition of the painting. In each painting, the use of light/value intensity the entire painting and draws audiences attention towards to the painting. Also, the other important fact of his unique style is the usage of colour. By limiting the amount of colour that is needed in each painting, it signifies the each colour has its unique taste and the artist can able to focus even further due to small choices of colour.

 He mentions: 'Being an artist isn't ever about figuring everything out. It's about the process of figuring everything out.'

 I can definitely agree to this sentence of his since I always want to find out all the fact of what I'm trying to figure out. Same matter goes to the creation of art. What I inspire from this particular artist is his brush strokes and how he places his protagonist(s) in specific places to match the environment and the perspective view of the painting.                'Chief of the ways'

 As I have mentioned before, the use of colour and value(light) is the most integral part of his painting. Taking specific image, [Chief of the ways] as an example, I've cropped out certain parts from the painting to get a better understanding of his painting. 1st and 2nd cropped images, the brush strokes points towards to the protagonist and antagonist in the 3rd image. Also, another interesting fact in the 3rd image is that both pro/antagonists' vision colide each other, producing a story within the image, as if they were having conversation.

 Moreover, the amount of colour he uses in this painting is very limited [yellow, orange, brown, white, black]. Limitation is one of Bradley's greatest strength in the painting which could be a exponential lesson to learn.

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