Friday 22 April 2016

Future Improvement of the project

Improvements within the final project outcome

There are several elements which can definitely improve the outcome of final project:

  • Painting quality - there are some paintings which lacked few detail parts and didn't look exceptional as I thought it would come out at the end of the painting. Despite the fact that the qualities of some paintings may have dropped due to lack of time since the amount of time I had to learn and provide animation from After Effects took some tolls and may have rushed some of the painting. 
  • Inexperience with software - I have used Photoshop for a long period of time and understand the use of hotkeys and specific features but on the other hand, After Effects was a new, challenging software which I have not used a lot, definitely not as much as Photoshop. This required a lot of time to be spend on basic education of how to use After Effects and how to use this software efficiently to produce something which I would like at the end of the project. The time consumption of this software made me vulnerable in spending more time in the Photoshop to produce better quality of painting (if I knew how to use AE, then I could have produced painting with outstanding quality and maybe better animations, adding several effects and features to make it beautiful).
These were major problems I had during the process of creating the final animation but now I know what the problems were and there are still hope for me to produce similar line of work but better understanding of the work I'm doing and hopefully, produce better animation and paintings in the future.

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