Tuesday 24 November 2015

Experimental Piece 7: Explore

Explore: Environment setting no.6

New setting, rather than staying on similar environment (mountain, ice, cold etc)
Desert, light colours, dry texture is the next target to focus on.


Final Image

Monday 23 November 2015


Italy - Rome, Florence & Venice

 While traveling in Italy, the scenery of each city/town has its own unique views and taste which could be proficient towards to environment setting. Few images will only provide an environment view to paint later on but what I really needed was an image which captures the mixture of environment and characters able to express the moment.

Monday 16 November 2015

Experimental Piece 6: Alabaster

Alabaster: Environment setting no.5

Continuation of a painting, Climb (no.3).

Final Image

Experimentation no.1&2: 1 is to label out the categories within the painting. 2 is to see the difference/change in value of the painting.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Superviser Meeting no.4

Meeting with Supervisor - David Lyons
  • Minimalism?
  • Abstract movement?
  • How to extract these parts of research area and able to put them into my project?
  • The change of the medium within the project

  • First of all, understanding these topics needs to be done asap.
  • How I can use these materials into my own work and also in writing.
  • Need to recognize and show these mateirals what I'm going to produce

Monday 9 November 2015

Experimental Piece 5: Chef

Chef: Character Design no.1

First experimental character design with a single image to show the identity of the character.


Finished painting

Thursday 5 November 2015

Feedback from the presentation - semester 1

Presentation Feedback

1. It was still in a stage where I couldn't find a right topic to continue. Only thing I have was the use of formal elements of art and how I can use these elements to create a painting which depicts a story. This was a rather simple and obvious topic and did not have its expectation as a great choice for 4th year project, research proposal and future dissertation writing. This have to be changed as soon as possible.

2. Little bit too much writing during the presentation (I mean literally there were a lot of writing in presentation which it did not look visually appealing).

3. Not a lot of feedback from students and teachers - I kind of understand why: its either too simple/complicated or confusing to some people to ask questions about my research area/project. This presentation was not much of a success but because of this small failure, I can move forward to find something significantly better to improve my project and future writing.

Monday 2 November 2015

Experimental Piece 4: No man's land

No man's land: Environment setting no.4

Journey of a wanderer through an unsightly forest, filled with darkness with dim of light to guide the path.

Experimentation of using value: dark/light