Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life Drawing Session

Life drawing

Even though I will be specializing on environment art, understanding and practicing on human anatomy and their physiology is something that artists cannot just pass on. Because that the artist is focusing on specific part of "art", that doesn't mean that artist who are more talent in other area shouldn't neglect other forms of art as well, since it could give them inspirations or enhance their technical skills.

 1. 15mins quick sketch

2. 5mins sketch - focused more on the shade/contrast

 3. 10mins sketch

4. 10mins sketch

During summer

During summer time while working on re-assessment, I was slowly planning out what I will be doing for my honours project with all the techniques and knowledge I have obtained from Computer Arts over the last 2 years and few years of fine art as well. Hopeful outcome at the end would be to utilize both of these topics to create astounding pieces of work which will enhance the chance of employment at the game/media industries.

However, to reach this point of creating outstanding work, is not impossible but with current techniques and skills I have, it does seem impossible. Personally, this situation of being powerless compare to other artists who are already in media/game industry needs to be changed as soon as possible since the one of the plan is successfully land a concept artist job.

I want to create a hybrid work of environment (using Photoshop) and character (using Zbrush), showing the ability to sculpt characters/creatures with finest quality standard and various of environment paintings to match with the character/creature. Most of the time will be spend on texturing and the quality of each work. By doing so, I hope the outcome of this process is useful and effective towards to my portfolio (and making me look professional at the same time if that's possible), and good enough to be hired.


  • I have been producing variety of art formats such as 3D modeling using Zbrush, painting done both digitally (Photoshop) and traditionally (mostly with canvas with oil painting or acrylic.) For this year, I want to use both of these formats as a main source to create a masterpiece of my own which could create a unique form of art style. 
   "The exploration of how digital art can be combined with conventional practices used by traditional artists to enhance my work"

     This is the final idea I want to achieve during this last year of Computer Arts. I really want to boost the technical abilities as much as possible, up to the standard where other professionals will accept me as one of them.